Fun Facts & FAQ's

This page is full of fun facts about Lucky and some of the most frequently asked questions that she gets. Hope this provides more of an insight into the life of Lucky and answers any questions you may have. If not, or want to ask Lucky something else, perhaps for a school project or something else just send her a message here

Fun facts!


Full Name: Lakeisha Dawn Patterson

Nickname: Lucky

Age: 21

Birthday: 5th January 1999

Birth Place: Wodonga, Victoria - Australia

Disability: Cerebral Palsy (Left Hemiplegia), Epilepsy

Swimming Class: S9 SB8 SM9

Events Compete In: Mainly 200m IM, 100m & 400m Freestyle

Favourite Stroke/ Event: 400m Freestyle.

Favourite Colours: Purple, Green & Gold

Favourite Food: Pasta (and pretty much anything else!)

Favourite Desert: Apple Pie (although I rarely get to eat it)

Interests: Design & architecture, photography, videography, reading, beach.

Something Interesting: I also have a condition called Micrographia, meaning my writing is extremely minute. Essentially when writing, my words look like tiny dots on the page.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why do people call you Lucky? Since she was little, Lakeisha has always been called 'Lucky'. By having so many challenges placed before her in life thus far, and positively overcoming them, she was always regarded as Lucky. Also on the contrary, little things like winning raffles and bingo. Also if a bird is going to fly past, it will drop on her. Its just second nature that if its going to happen and can happen, it will happen to Lucky. Hence the nickname which has just stuck with her since a little kid. That and also having a unique name like Lakeisha, was pretty hard to write down and remember as a kid. Lucky is short, simple and most definitely memorable!


Have a question that you want answered? Or want to get to know Lucky a bit better by having her speak at your function or event? Click here to send her a message.